MAGNETOR® drilling units and drill stands are a helpful assistance. Due to a reduced weight and favourable dimensions they are the ideal companions to the worker’s daily labour.

MAGNETOR® drilling units and
MAGNETOR® magnet-drill stands ...
permit mobility in machining operations such as:

twist drilling, core drilling, countersinking,
reaming, facing, thread cutting

MAGNETOR® accessories
versatile, high quality, efficient!

These are the small things which make a big offer only complete!
Of course, you can order MAGNETOR® tools also separately or in arbitrary number of items.


50 years of Magnetor
MAGNETOR® - Quality and competence for professional drilling since 1958.

Spare part sales and service for:
FEIN core drill unit metal 727013,
FEIN magnet drill stands 90308, 90309, 90310, 90311, 90312.
FRIWEG magnet drilling units FW 35 und FW 50
MAG 30

Magnet Drill Stand
with positioning device